About us

The Liverpool Literary Agency started as an editing company with a diverse list of clients comprising accountants, taxi drivers, sport scientists, NHS workers and hospitality sector workers, alongside more experienced writers with qualifications in Creative Writing or other literature-based subjects. These writers all had one thing in common—the publishing industry seemed inaccessible, London-centric and intimidating. So, we knew that it was time to go beyond editing, especially as costs and contacts are the main barriers for many of our writers.

We were inspired by the report, Common People: Breaking the Class Ceiling in UK Publishing, which confirmed our belief that many promising authors see their careers stall in the face of limiting barriers, including ‘a lack of support networks and contacts, lower levels of self-confidence and the publishing industry’s lack of social diversity’.

Overall, we’re here for under-represented writers from the north, and to support equality, diversity and inclusion in the publishing industry.


Head of the Literary Agency

Agent, Author, Editor, Producer & Mother

Clare Coombes

Clare Coombes is open to submissions until 30th April 2025.

Clare set up the first Liverpool-based literary agency in 2020 to help address inequality and underrepresentation in the publishing industry. 

With more than 15 years’ experience of writing and editing professionally, including the publication of two novels, Definitions (2015) and We Are of Dust (2018 - which has received development funding from the Liverpool Film Office for a TV adaptation), she has developed an in-depth knowledge of what commissioning editors and publishers expect to see from a submitted manuscript. With a background in PR and marketing, alongside teaching on creative writing programmes, Clare also has extensive experience in pitching and promoting writers. She also works as an editor with Jericho Writers

Clare would love to see historical fiction, crime fiction, psychological thrillers and women’s fiction, but as a new agent, she is open to all great writing with a strong hook in any area (excluding non-fiction, children’s and YA). 

She actively encourages submissions from writers who have been traditionally under-represented.

Reopening for submissions TBA

Matthew Mckeown.jpg

Head of Editing

Editor, Copywriter & Italian Football Enthusiast 

Matthew McKeown

As an English BA and Writing MA graduate with a background in commercial copywriting, Matthew is able to provide an editing and proofreading service that meets the highest standards of developmental editing, spelling, grammar and punctuation. These skills have proven to be eminently transferable in supporting the Liverpool Literary Agency to match authors with publishers or offering self-publishing advice based on extensive market research and growing first-hand experience.

Matthew has written feature articles for a wide variety of print and online publications, covering everything from football to music festivals. His screenwriting portfolio has received professional recommendations from award-winning industry experts, and his debut novel was a finalist at Pulp Idol 2018.  

He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading, and takes great pride in being able to help authors transform concepts or rough drafts into polished, publishable manuscripts.


Associate Literary Agent

Mother, geek, cat-lover and editor.

Laura Bennett

Currently closed to submissions.

Laura developed a love of writing early, attending her first Creative Writing course at college. She then decided to study Writing at Liverpool John Moores University, obtaining a BA before pursuing a career in teaching. She began work at a college for young adults with special needs, and then moved to a vocational college while studying for a post-compulsory PGCE. Laura taught English for a few years, and also ran several Creative Writing courses before returning to LJMU to obtain an MA in Writing. She then worked as a teaching assistant at a local secondary school, before leaving that job to pursue a career in editing.

The combination of teaching and writing works extremely well for editing, and for providing encouragement and guidance for writers. Laura also works as a freelance writer, and has previously been the writer and loremaster for a video game, in addition to writing for various roleplaying games.

Editorial Assistant & Submissions Coordinator

Susan Comer

Susan Comer is a poet and short form writer. After having an independent art practice for 20+ years, she began exploring the themes she cared deeply about in prose. This led to her completing an MA in Creative Writing at Edge Hill University in 2017.  Having a teaching practice in formal and community settings, Susan was invited to be the first Writer-In-Residence at Kirkby Gallery, where she developed and taught creative writing classes. She is currently writing a chap book of prose in response to her role which will be published in Spring 2022.

Susan has had poetry and flash fiction work published in print and on-line and is working on a memoir-in-flash.  She is co-founder and co-editor of Patastrophe, a Liverpool based surrealist magazine. Susan was on the short-listing panel for ‘As You Write It- Your Play on Stage’ competition organised by The Shakespeare North Playhouse and BBC’s The One Show.  She is also a mentor for Year 1 undergraduates at Liverpool Hope University. 

Susan took part in Writing on The Wall’s ‘Moving Foreward’ programme where she met Clare Coombes who became her mentor.  The Editing and proof-reading skills she is currently developing have helped Susan support other writers with their work, enabling them to win competitions and get their work published.