Emma Whitehall
Emma Whitehall
Emma Whitehall is an author, bookseller and introvert based in the Northeast of England. Her work has been published in anthologies and magazines in the UK, USA, Ireland and Mexico. Her debut YA novel, Clockwork Magpies, was published with Northodox Press in February 2022, and she is Forum Books’ Writer in Residence for 2022, focusing on helping other writers and young people find their own creativity. An indie bookshop champion and YA Book Club founder, Emma writes fun, emotion-driven fantasy, with characters that you’ll want to take for a coffee. Or wrap in a blanket. Or both. Emma lives in Tyne & Wear with her cat and an ever-growing To Be Read Pile.
Emma’s newest books are Heretical, which will be coming in August 2024 and Clockwork Magpies 2, which will be coming in 2025. Both are published by Northodox.